Saturday, 9 August 2014

Wheels away!

The calm of our mooring across the river from Koblenz was well and truly shattered yesterday evening with the launch of the town’s music festival. This mainly consists of rival rock bands vying with each other to be the loudest. Tonight they are at it again, with the promised climax a cavalcade of 200 or so boats coming down the river, and a massive firework display from the fortress. The decibel level is such, however, that we are not tempted to cross the water, and will observe from the aft deck, glass in hand.

Today was wheels day: after a somewhat rocky start. The Europcar website offered a pickup at the central station, which was much easier for us than the out of town locations of the other companies. But it was all a lie: no office, no representative, and only after much angst did we discover that the railway ticket sales people could help.  So they sent a driver to take us to their out of town location – a couple of hours of the day lost. However they made up for it with a big discount, and did not laugh too much when we panicked that our TomTom gps did not have German maps, pointing out that the BMW had built in SatNav.

We set off to get a foretaste of the Moselle, and reached the pretty town of Winningen, in time to sample the excellent Riesling, and have a good lunch in this pretty square:

We explored the town, and enjoyed the vines growing up walls and across the streets:

More vines as we progressed, this time to positively our last castle:

Burg Eltz was built way back when and has been in the same family for 33 generations! Not bad going.

Lots of people, mostly Germans, but they offered an English-language tour, which was well attended and interesting, despite the rather Dalek-like delivery of the guide. There was also a shuttle bus from the car park, which was welcome.

So now it's back to the music festival: more treats planned for tomorrow, not involving castles

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