Monday, 25 August 2014

Messing about on the river

This was a tough day for our ace photographer – not a lot for her to aim her lense at compared to previous days. A lot of river and a few locks. But she did find some things to catch her attention. Here for example are some men working on restoring an ancient Roman aquaduct:

And we lunched at the town of Pont au Moussan, which was much knocked about in the various wars between France and Germany over the past century and a half or so. However the ancient abbey survived:

As did the church of St Martin:

And there were plenty more swans wanting to be fed:

We had aimed to stop for the night at Pompey, but the little Halte Fluviale was full – it’s amazing that you spend the day seeing no-one on the river, then you arrive at a port and find it full!. Oh well. Anyway, we came on to Liverdun, where there is a little harbour, much infested with weed and offering nothing beyond a jetty, and found it empty. So here we are, with the rain trickling down.

On the way past Liverdun we spotted the Chateau de la Fly – built in the early 20th century and named for the owner’s pump-making company, Fly.

And here are some weeds:

Tomorrow we should conclude our 400 kilometre marathon up the Mosel/Moselle, and move into the Canal des Vosges: lots of locks but no commercial barges, at least.

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