Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Macon to La Truchère via Tournus – 28 km

No rude awakenings this morning. The harbour was quiet and calm, and we departed at a reasonable hour.

The landscape on this stretch of the river was attractive but rather monotonous. Just the occasional pretty village.

Also livestock, of course, cooling off on a very hot day.

Someone had given the pole protecting this bridge a bit of a clout. Normally bridges have a yellow diamond sign to show which arch or span you should go through. This one had diamonds over two adjacent spans, leading to major indecision: someone evidently just couldn’t make up his, or her, mind.

We reached Tournus at lunchtime, and after lunch headed off for the Carrefour supermarket. Being a little boat, Saskia does not have much room for storing fresh food. And we get through a lot of bottled water in this hot weather.

After that we returned back down the river for 4 km to the turnoff onto the river Seille. This tributary of the Saône is navigable for about 40 km up to Louhans, which is capital of the Bresse region, famed for its poultry.

The Seille is just a little river, quite a contrast to the Rhône and Saône we have become used to. But it is reckoned to be one of the prettiest French rivers to cruise on. 

The four locks on the river are all manual, but only the first one, which we passed through this afternoon, is manned. The others are all DIY. Should be interesting!

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