Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The final stage - destination reached

Yesterday evening it started raining, just as hundreds of runners of all ages and sexes started streaming by on the tow path. Obviously an organized marathon, or half-marathon or something. It started with the children, then the runners got progressively older. We tried to take some pix, but the lack of light and the rain made it impossible. Impressive commitment though!

This morning the weather had improved, and we set off at a reasonable hour, just in time to catch Mobility Man on his scooter passing by:

It was an easy and gentle run down to Utrecht - slow through the well-named Weerdsluis, though - and the canoe rental place launched a couple of punters directly in our path, without looking:

Lots of businesses along the canal bank: a good place for management consultants – that modern aristocracy – perhaps:

There were plenty of bridges, as before, though it was interesting to negotiate them from the other direction:

Finally we came up behind a large hire boat that was proceeding with great care: one could see why:

Emerging we wondered what would become of this skeleton of an old warehouse – expensive loft conversions perhaps:

After Utrecht we crossed the Rhine-Amsterdam canal and stopped briefly for an excellent lunch – the last potato salad of the season! Then the short distance up to Ijsselstein, and our harbour at Marnemoende. Harvest time soon for the corn:

And a last few contented Dutch cows:

So this will be our last post of the season; cleaning tomorrow and off home on Friday. It has been a terrific summer cruise. We have greatly appreciated the Netheralnds and the Dutch people and their way of life, their values, their attitudes, their bicycling, their food. They are house – and boat – proud, they tend their gardens beautifully, there is little graffiti, they appreciate the good things of life, and they almost all speak English – which is definitely a bonus.

We look forward to next year, when we will head east and north into Friesland, and visit Groningen and other places. Thanks to all who have read this account from time to time – we’ll let you know when the next one starts!

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