Sunday 27 July 2014

A philosophical post

We are online today thanks to the WiFi provided by the yacht club, so I will take advantage to upload a few more pix than usual.

We made an early start for our sightseeing, and got to the centre of the old city before the tourist hoards arrived. Rather curiously, a bicycle race was going on, which attracted a certain amount of attention, but was difficult to photograph. After coffee, we found, with some difficulty (language again!), the famous student jail. Riotous or drunken students would be sentenced to a few days here. They were let out for classes, but locked in overnight. They entertained themselves by decorating the walls. Here are some pix:

For some reason, fewer graffiti in the loo than elsewhere:

After a good German lunch, with very pleasant Riesling, we headed off over the old bridge, paying due homage to this gentleman, the Elector Karl Theodore, who built the bridge:

Then it was up the extremely steep path to the Philosophers’ Way: you would have to be philosophical after that climb. Or, at least, you would have plenty of time to think while you recovered. All the same, the views were spectacular – back across the river to the old town and the ruined castle looming above it. We had a pleasant conversation with an Irish couple while resting half way up.

Tomorrow we plan to go a bit further up river to see more sights, then turn round and return to the Rhine for the run down towards Koblenz (eventually).

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