Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Heading up to Champagne - Tuesday

We enjoyed barbecued chicken thighs last night, with enough left over for a salad at lunch time today. Afterwards, however, a bit of a storm came along, cutting our internet connection, and bringing wind and rain with it. This tested, so some extent, the repairs done to the leaks above our bed, and we remained dry.

We woke early, as usual on the boat, showered pleasantly and then encountered the first crisis of the voyage: the pump that removes the waste water from the shower had stopped working, and the bilge was flooding. Fortunately I had thought to check the bilge, being early in the trip. Anyway, much cursing and swearing and bailing and sponging – before breakfast. But the pump started to work again. We will be keeping a close eye on it!

We set off about 8.15. There was hardly any traffic on the canal – in fact we only met two boats all day, so we made excellent progress.

This gives an idea of the canal:

Though later we heard that an automatic lifting bridge, which we negotiated successfully early on, had broken down (a key term on the canals is en panne). Our informant was a canal guy who came to rescue us when one of the locks jammed shut in our faces. We lost half an hour, but otherwise everything was fine.


We stopped for half an hour for lunch, tied to a tree, and arrived at a pleasant little quayside halte nautique at Cusey, which generously provides free water and electricity, at about 5.30. The barbecue was in action again for supper:

The only downside of the day was the profusion of weeds growing in the canal. They get sucked into the engine cooling system and need to be regularly removed from the filter basket – twice at least today.

A canal lady has just been by and says we should have no trouble in reaching the summit of the canal tomorrow – where there is a long tunnel – and the pleasant town of Langres the other side. This first stretch has been very rustic, missing most of the villages, so not much to see or photograph. It should be better the other side.

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